il s'agit de l'enfant de thomas.
d'ailleur,thomas publi sa photo sur son blog:

sur ce site,vous trouverez les principales informations pour comprendre le jeu aladygma,les indices whitespaces ,ainsi que les liens vers les blogs officiels de thomas dahlem,dany mc david,mary,ftwspace etc
9 commentaires:
Now, we need more Soldiers... we are 298 and need more... we have soon a fight against a Monster, and we need help, your help. Please, come to the Facebook, and be a Soldier. Help us against the Monster... Help us to Help Thomas.
Our Mission is to stop and kill the 1° "Monster". Our soldier ship is following him. It is not a Danger anymore for Thomas, but for the Humanity. We are preparing the weapons for the Battle. But we need to be more and more soldiers to combat. Speak with your friends, everybody...Time is running away. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in two or 3 Days....we will be ready to fight but if we are not enough, there will be no chance.
We know from "above" that we will also get Money at the end of the Month, the best soldiers (Captain, General, Officer) will get more than the basic soldiers..
The Battle will also be a way to see, who are the best soldiers.
So be ready!
- Captain Sebastian
My new video, made by the officer Matteo Gironi/BlueGhost, with my voice record
Sebastian video:
Comment puis-je aider Thomas à retrouver son fils ? Je ne comprend pas tout ce qui se passe, mon anglais étant relativement me suis inscrite sur le facebook soldiers, mais je me demande si je n'aurais pas plutot dû aller sur celui des humains...
Je ne sais pas si tout ça est seulement un "jeu" où si c'est réel, mais si je peut aider, d'une manière ou d'une autre...
J’organise un sondage pour savoir lequel de s’est deux jeux vidéo call of duty 5 et farcry2 et le meilleur et pourquoi ?? alors venez voter lulu et aussi un émission de radio sur les jeux vidéo
ce que je cherchais, merci
it would be a great useful for some people who want to start their own resource. it is my pleasure to be one of those people who commented on your article . . thank you for give a opportunities... more power and god bless ..
thuc, can we line of work links?
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